Looking At Our Geopolitical Landscape, I’m Pretty Sure There Are Many Out There Today Who Would Have Given Hitler an “Off-ramp”

John Ware
4 min readMar 23, 2022

WTF is all this talk about giving Putin an “off-ramp” to “save face?” I mean, W. T. BLOODY. F?

A head-of-state arbitrarily, without provocation, effing invades another sovereign country — under false pretenses, with conjured-up lies about why he’s doing it…and some NATO countries are falling all over themselves trying to find an effing way for Putin to get out of the unilaterally, mindeffingly insane action of…



John Ware

Long time biz turnaround & continuous improvement expert, global traveler/resident. Teach ESL/TEFL & other subjects. Write thru the lens of “Risk Intelligence.”