John Ware
3 min readDec 17, 2023

I don’t know what the fuss is all about — they say artificial intelligence is going to take over the world? Ok, maybe when it grows up and learns how to throw combination ultraviolet-gamma-radiation-kryptonite-puce-pulses from its glowing red virtual eyeballs.

But not now.

My old favorite pastime was jumping on Wikipedia and looking up something I really wanted to investigate deeper, like “Philosophers from the Middle East who thought that people should live their own lives no matter where they’re from,” or “Quarky black holes and Perestroika for Dummies.” But then my addled attention span would scroll down to an obscure category or link at the bottom of the particular page I was reading and, before you knew it, I was learning how to make some Wikipedian aboriginal dessert or trying to understand the Cantonese variant of The Trolley Problem. Lotsa fun and a good way to soak up an afternoon.

But all that has given way to “funnin’ and gunnin’” with ol’ ChatGPT, who really doesn’t like it when he can’t answer or just gives up and goes away. BTW, I believe his “goes away” communication is error code 503, because that’s all that I am left with as a fond reminder of our time together…


I realize that ChatGPT and his extended clan of semi-intelligent hillbillies (with apologies to hillbillies everywhere) aren’t infallible; however, at the very least, I fully expected nothing less than a sharp retort “Alex…



John Ware

Long time biz turnaround & continuous improvement expert, global traveler/resident. Teach ESL/TEFL & other subjects. Write thru the lens of “Risk Intelligence.”