John Ware
4 min readMar 12, 2021

It’s true…we ALL have a death wish. With few exceptions*, most every human being is doing something — to society or to themselves — that defy reasonable judgement, insofar as it applies to living as long a life as possible.

We’ve all heard and seen narratives about people and their “death wishes,” albeit, tongue in cheek. You know, the guy who wants to scale Mount Everest or the gal who wants to try that new flying squirrel suit. Or the base-jumping bro’s. Race car drivers…whatever.

But I want to talk about a positive way of thinking about your own “death…



John Ware

Long time biz turnaround & continuous improvement expert, global traveler/resident. Teach ESL/TEFL & other subjects. Write thru the lens of “Risk Intelligence.”